Too funny...........enjoy all his CD's and hope he will continue. Hate to think of not being able to hear is comical opinions on life. Thanks so much for making me smile.
Beth Ann
This is an awesome CD!!!!
I bought it because of the "I Wanna Cup of Tea" track but have fallen in love with all of it. How can you possibly be down when listening to it? It makes me laugh out loud and is addictive!!!! Thanks to Adagio Teas for linking it on their website.
Alright, well I haven't bought the CD yet, but I've listened to all the tracks and I love it! The tea song is amazing, but the gay one is also fabulous, and come on who doesn't love the big butt song. Dendee is amazing, and I urge everyone to go buy it right after I do!
Too funny.....I listen to it on the way to work
I absolutely love this CD. I listen to it each morning on my way to work and then on the way home. It makes me happy. I have the songs in my head at work & have been telling my co-workers about the cute songs. I have a rather stressful job and this helps me start the day with a smile. Thanks a lot!!!
I also bought the cd because of the tea song, but I am thoroughly enjoying all of them. They make me laugh. Keep writing great songs!
JoE Craft of the Daily Blame
I Love Dendee!!!
This is one of the funniest albums i have ever heard, and highly suggest a tour to follow, me and my associates would be most thrilled to have it come within 50 miles of Glen Ellyn IL. Side note; 'Sitting on the porch in my underwear, drinking beer all day' is a great way to live.
Tweed river radio
uk humour in chicago
Im a limey redneck exposes the long held belief that the english are a humorless lot. Dendee portrays the average yobbo in fine style. A laugh a second. Well worth a listen !!
Lol 'n'Fred Harriott.
One of the best comedy songs we have heard. Great stuff mate.
All these tunes are original,good and varied tempos,sharp and well put together lyrics.We wish you the very best.
Pretty Dam good! if I say so myself, wife and kids loved it. Hope to hear more in the near future. greetings from SAN ANTONIO
LOVE my Dendee. I listen to the songs in my car on the way to work....it makes me smile and gets my day off to a great start!!